woensdag 11 mei 2011


I've had a few designs and concepts on a shaman or druid costume stored on my computer in a "possible future projects" folder. Each time I went to buy fabrics at the "fabric market" I kept staring at nice fabrics I could use in a shaman costume. And a few weeks ago the fabric market came to Putten, a village near garderen where I like to spend my weekends in the forest.
Since I was going to Garderen anyway I decided to buy fabrics for the shaman costume.

And here's what I've done with them since yesterday evening:

It's open at the front, all the flaps are seperate and loose. The botom skirt has pockets. Figured they might come in handy :P.
This costume won't have the wow-factor I usually try to achieve. This'll be a more comfortable one. Yet it's something I've wanted to make for some time.

I hope to finish this one before castlefest in august.

dinsdag 10 mei 2011

The Elf Warrior.

I haven't been as loyal a poster with this project as I was with the previous one. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that I didn't have much time. I did not complete all of the work I had planned but the costume turned out okay.
Two days before the EFF I was photographed in costume and interviewed for an article about the EFF in a national newspaper.

Here are a few pics of the end result.
(unfortunately I do not have a picture of Priscilla's TinkerBell costume, which was pretty cute)