maandag 30 augustus 2010

Maarten's attire 85%

Today I finished the "arm armor". well I'm not sure if finished is the right word. Maarten is coming over on tuesday for a fitting so I'll probably adjust a few things. I'll also be able to get back to work on the pants after the fitting :P. I like how it looks so far except for the fur on the arm. I though it would be cool if it looked ragged and fluffy :P so I sewed it so the hair would go sideways. On the legs the fur looks neat and straight XD and I prefer it like that. But.. It's supposed to look like he's been in battle so maybe it shouldn't look neat and straight XD. I'll ask maart what he thinks when he's here.
So all there's left to do on this costume is:
finish the pants
adjust the armor
And perhaps I have to do some work on the sandals he's going to buy & the arm warmer. We'll see.
This was fast and easy :D *yay*

zondag 29 augustus 2010


Tatatadaaa! Here it is, my entire costume so far. The top may look a little weird but that's 'cause my dummy has smaller boobies than me XD. It's not perfect but I'm proud of it anyway.There are quite a few things left to do. I still have to make my boots, finish the armor for my shoulder and make padding for the inside of my helmet.It looks like I won't have to do any last minute work on this one this time :D

dinsdag 24 augustus 2010


Ok so, today I tried my idea for the make up. I'm almost there. i still have to figure out how to get my eyebrows white without it looking funny XD. I tried to make neutral or evil looking faces but I failed XD as you can see.

suggestions for the make up are welcome.

zaterdag 21 augustus 2010

Maarten's attire

So, a couple of day's ago Maarten came to my place with the faux fur and the extra faux leather he'd bought. The leather looks nice though it was hard to work with. He bought leather for furniture XD. He did not find any studs but we found a website that sells them in case we can't find them at the market. So far I've managed to finish the greaves. they can be pulled over his leg like leg warmers and strapped on with the leather bands attached to it. I also finished the bracer for his left arm.
The pants is about 40% finished. I need him to fit it before I can work on it again. The leather belt with the armor flaps is about 80% finished. Again I need him to fit it and it needs studs. It has five flaps.
Maarten is going to make the shield himself though I may help him when he needs my help.
The armor for his right arm is going to take the longest to finish. All in all this is a small project. Thankfully! XD

woensdag 11 augustus 2010


My white lenses arrived today. I had to try them :P I roughly used eyeliner and quickly stuck on one false eyelash XD just to see what it would look like. The picture looks a little weird 'cause I only did one eye. This is not a preview of the make up I intend to use, it's just to show off my lenses ;)

dinsdag 10 augustus 2010

Maarten's costume.

During the days I spent in Garderen, maarten and I bought a few materials for his costume.this will be his first EFF and I honestly never expected he'd like to attend, even less while wearing a costume XD. But he's still enthousiastic about the whole thing. yay :D

The costume I'm making for him is based on the one spartacus (blood and sand) is wearing.Actually, the only thing I'm sort of copying from these costumes (see pictures) is the "arm armor (XD)". When I finish his arm I'll be halfway on this costume. I made this in roughly 12 hours. It would have gone much faster if I did not have to sew most of these parts by hand (though on my machine). But this is not a large project so I'll have no problem sqeezing this one in aswell XD.