all there's left to do now is to glue some fabric to the inside of the helmet and maybe add some pillow stuffing XD. I made one terrible mistake O-o I misplaced one eye and removing it left some ugly spots that can still be seen (I'll live though :P). The photo quality is crappy so you can't really see any details. I roughly put on some make up to kind of show you my idea. I was wondering if maybe I should forget about the whole "painting myself grey" idea. It would be hot and a hassle, expensive and I'm not sure I can make it look nice. It really needs to be worth it and I'm not sure if it would be that much cooler if I did. Maybe if I didn't use the grey paint I should use lighter colored make up. I don't like dark lipsticks on me XD. What do you think?
I think that even if you don't go for the painted skin, the darker make-up goes well with the overall look, from the pictures that's what I think anyway. I know what you mean about not liking dark lipstick but just think to yourself that for that day, you're not you, you're a character and this is what she looks like.