Today I finished the "arm armor". well I'm not sure if finished is the right word. Maarten is coming over on tuesday for a fitting so I'll probably adjust a few things. I'll also be able to get back to work on the pants after the fitting :P. I like how it looks so far except for the fur on the arm. I though it would be cool if it looked ragged and fluffy :P so I sewed it so the hair would go sideways. On the legs the fur looks neat and straight XD and I prefer it like that. But.. It's supposed to look like he's been in battle so maybe it shouldn't look neat and straight XD. I'll ask maart what he thinks when he's here.
So all there's left to do on this costume is:
finish the pants
adjust the armor
And perhaps I have to do some work on the sandals he's going to buy & the arm warmer. We'll see.
This was fast and easy :D *yay*