zondag 3 juli 2011

The Shaman Outfit

It has been a while since I last worked on my costume.

Since I have only one month left to finish the costume it's good that I started again.

Today I finished the top. All there's left to do is to sew a bolero/vest thingy (no idea what it's called in english :P) and to make the acessoires and details.

I inted to used beads, bones and feathers for acessoires. I'll make the bones out of clay.

Also I intend to buy some woll in order to create fake dreadlocks which I will wear in my hair.

anyway, this is as far as I've gotten:

woensdag 11 mei 2011


I've had a few designs and concepts on a shaman or druid costume stored on my computer in a "possible future projects" folder. Each time I went to buy fabrics at the "fabric market" I kept staring at nice fabrics I could use in a shaman costume. And a few weeks ago the fabric market came to Putten, a village near garderen where I like to spend my weekends in the forest.
Since I was going to Garderen anyway I decided to buy fabrics for the shaman costume.

And here's what I've done with them since yesterday evening:

It's open at the front, all the flaps are seperate and loose. The botom skirt has pockets. Figured they might come in handy :P.
This costume won't have the wow-factor I usually try to achieve. This'll be a more comfortable one. Yet it's something I've wanted to make for some time.

I hope to finish this one before castlefest in august.

dinsdag 10 mei 2011

The Elf Warrior.

I haven't been as loyal a poster with this project as I was with the previous one. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that I didn't have much time. I did not complete all of the work I had planned but the costume turned out okay.
Two days before the EFF I was photographed in costume and interviewed for an article about the EFF in a national newspaper.

Here are a few pics of the end result.
(unfortunately I do not have a picture of Priscilla's TinkerBell costume, which was pretty cute)

donderdag 31 maart 2011

Jonne Järvelä

After seeing Korpiklaani live for the first time I became an even bigger fan. Some bandmembers were tired since it was the last concert of the tour but Jonne and Kalle seemed to have so much fun. Jonne's performance was cool and funny at the same time XD! Dancing around on the stage LOL. Yesterday I suddenly felt inspired to draw him. I based it on a picture I found online. I had to start over once because in the first version I was unable to "capture his essence". I know it's far from perfect. I was too lazy to prefectly copy his intricate tattoo, the shading is far from perfect und so weiter.. But! I like it enopugh to post a picture online :P So here it is:


I've come to the conclusion that I'm terrible at planning :B. In the meantime I've made and finished Priscilla's tinkerbell costume.

I'll upload pictures later. Also I've been working on the top for my costume. Most of the red fabric will be covered in faux leather scales. The armor will come on top of this. I hope I'll be able to finish all this on time :/

dinsdag 8 februari 2011


I've been working at a slower pace. I knew I was being too optimistic when I said I'd be finished now XD. Or I just didn't factor in that I actually have a life... LoL.Anyway, I've been working on the armor. I'ts not coming a long as quickly as I'd hoped 'cause I have to wait for each piece to dry and harder before I can put on another layer of the glue/sawdust mix. For some reason I'm also obsessing over the pieces that will go on the back and the front of the torso. I don't want them to be too thick 'cause I don't want to look fat XD. Also they can´t bee too thin because I would risk breaking them. I wonder how they are going to turn out :P.

Over the past few weeks I've also "finished" the pants and both the boots. Now all they need are the faux leather scales which I cannot yet sew on because I don't have the fabric yet. (I will soon). I like how it's starting to look though :D. Even though I made a design I always change things as I go along so I wonder what it'll look like when I'm done :P.

donderdag 20 januari 2011

the wig

I've never been blonde in my life...

I did wonder a few times what it would look like.

I can't get used to it XD! but it'll probably look nice with my costume.

The picture looks a little weird cause a. it was taking in a dark room and b. I quickly used photoshop to make my eyes look green. They look a little creepy right now but I intend to buy

natural looking green contacts.

I'll update you later on the progress on the costume itself. I reckon I'm almost halfway there.

vrijdag 7 januari 2011

The Boots

Yes it is incredibly hard to try and photograph you own leg! (hence the weird pose) I couldn't even get both my feet on the picture XD.

I've been working a lot on my new costume and I might even be able to finish it this month O_o!
(Homigawsh that's such a positive attitude). I've been working on a lot of different parts and that's probably why nothing is finished yet. After much pondering I decided that I'm going to make the scale out of faux leather. seeing as I don't have that, I'll have to buy it to be able to finish any parts. The boot is a little too wide though so I'll probably work on that later.
For now, I'm pleased with how things are coming along.

zondag 2 januari 2011


Ok so I decided that it doesn't really matter after all if I show my design. I know it looks a little odd :P but at least now I can show you what I plan to make :D